Benkendorffstraße 22a
30855 Langenhagen
Hannover Aviation Ground Services
About us
The Hannover Aviation Ground Services GmbH (AGS) was founded by the Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen GmbH as the first subsidiary of a German commercial airport in charge of providing ground handling services in 1995. The AGS is currently the largest provider of services in the field of aircraft handling at Hannover Airport.
Our own training center ensures excellent training of our staff and is a competent partner for the training of external professionals in the field of aircraft and cargo handling.
With our experience and competency, we have been supporting our international business partners in implementing efficient flight and terminal operations for years.
Using up-to-date technology and handling equipment is a matter of course for us. Our contributions to the active protection of our environment is refelected in our environmental certification EMAS according to EC regulation No. 1221/2009 and EN ISO 14001:2004. You can find our enviromental report and further information in the section Hannover Airport.
In addition to this, we are certified under the internationally recognized quality standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. We are a member of IATA Ground Handling Council as well as of the certification group for Managament Systems of the FRAPORT AG.

Our services
In addition to the traditional service of loading and unloading of aircraft, we as a provider of ground landling services, also offer a wide range of services in the following areas:

With more than 30,000 efficiently handled aircraft per year, our staff is highly qualified, reliable and commands expert know-how. For us, a high quality standard is as important as precisely meeting specific customer demands.
Our services
- ground handling
- provision of modern handling devices
- loading and unloading of baggage, mail and cargo
- baggage handling
- lavatory service
- cleaning of aircraft
- transport of passengers, crew, baggage, cargo and mail
- ramp supervision
- assistance at disembarking
- tows and push-backs

Our staff from the baggage service will handle anything from hard-shell cases, rucksacks to surf boards with the highest level of reliability, care and swiftness - which is successfully evaluated in regular quality checks.
Our services
- baggage presorting in accordance with customer requests
- secure handling of transfer baggage
- fast delivery of baggage to the baggage claim after arriving
- accaptence and interim storage of baggage for Evening-Before Check-In customers
- baggage service for groups

We shape passenger service as personal and individual as required by the airline. Our customer's satisfation as well as the satisfaction of their passengers is our highest goal.
Our service
- check in
- ticketing
- baggage trcing
- support for passengers with special needs
- travel agency
- representation at station

The AGS Training-Center is your partner for internal as well as external trainings in the area of aircraft handling. Our competent and certified coaches are highly motivated members of staff. They teach the contents of the courses in a practically oriented, vivid way in modern and inviting facilities.
We are offering the following courses:
- Security training for safety and security staff (according to DVO 2015/ 1998 Kap.11.2.6 + 11.2.7)
- instructions for entering and driving on the apron
- intructions for driving on the taxiways
- forklift truck courses
- IATA courses on handling hazardous goods according to personnel categories 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12
- courses on rigging
- walk-out courses
- driving lessons for push-back trucks
- lessons for high-lifter
- vehicle briefing
- starting up of engines

Available 24/7 throughout the year
Our disposition department is staffed 24/7 throughout the year. This means that we are available for our customers and business partners also beyond office hours, on weekends, and at public holidays. The disposition department assigns and supervises the staff and the handling processes of both divisions and ensures frictionless, high-quality, and on-time handling service. In doing so we meet all quality and safety regulations. The department is also responsible for controlling the conveyor belts in the terminal buildings. Cargo handling, VIP transports, VIP baggage services and other extra services are coordinated, controlled and conducted by the disposition department.

Assistance on the spot
The department for equipment service is responsible for the fleet of the AGS as well as for planning and aquiring vehicles and equipment. Our core tasks and activities include:
- maintenance of vehicles and equipment
- fleet management
- vehicle maintenance
- supervision of examination dates and maintenance intervals
- quality assurance of suppliers
- hazard assessments for equipment
- inspections
- acquisition of new equipment
- internal and external audits
- interface for technical support
- employing of a safety officer
- interface for work clothing
- maintenance of headsets
- maintenance of telemetry data systems (Proveo)
We as an employer
The Hannover Aviation Ground Services GmbH is a group company of the Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen GmbH. As market leader in Hannover and with a branch in Berlin, we strive to provide tailored services for our airline customers.
Our staff works all around the clock and takes care of frictionless processes in the areas of ramp services and central infrastructure. Our mutual goal is to handle aircraft and baggage punctually and safely, thus to ensure that all passengers can take off smoothly into the best time of the year.
Our customers


Benkendorffstraße 22a
30855 Langenhagen